One of the founding principles of modern America is the separation of church and state
Meaning religion is supposed to be separate from governmental activity
Like law making and education
But this separation is coming under increasing pressure
The Christian right are pushing to include their beliefs in both education and legislature
This started out as a covert tactic
Looking to change the texts taught in schools
Or fighting to have the Big Bang positioned as a theory alongside creationism
But over time this has become much more overt
With religious statues of the ten commandments, Jesus and other symbols being erected on State property
This clearly goes against the separation of church and state
Lots of people have called this out and tried to resist
But none have done it as effectively as Lucien Greaves
He is the leader of The Satanic Temple
The Satanic Temple is an atheist social activist group
They position themselves as worshippers of the Devil
Revering all the Satanic symbolism you would imagine
Lots of horns, blood, all that stuff
Crucially they assert that worshipping Satan is their religious right
You can imagine this is the sort of religion that the Christian right feel quite threatened by
The genius tactic of the Satanic Temple is to simply ask for parity with the Christian right
So when the Christians want to add a bible study class to an after school program
They created the After School Satan Project
When the Christians unveiled a statue of the ten commandments outside a courthouse in Oklahoma
They demanded to unveil their statue of Baphamet next to it
A nine-foot bronze sculpture of a winged, goat headed Satan being adoring gazed up at by two children.
Their message is clear
If your religion is allowed into the state
Then so is ours
The playbook of the Satanists is brilliantly simple
It is to highlight the Christian right’s attempts to mix church and state
By doing exactly as they do.
Using their power, against them.
It’s great challenger behaviour
When faced down by an incumbent who doesn’t want you to succeed
What can you do that uses their power against them
Oatly recently put out an add for Ice Cream was a great example of this
Faced with legal letters from the dairy industry
They couldn’t call it Ice Cream
So their ad simply said
‘We can’t call it Ice Cream, but you can’